The Holy Father addressed the second international meeting of rectors and shrine employees on the theme of “The Sanctuary: a house of prayer”, focusing his speech on adoration in shrines, places of consolation and hope for all pilgrims who visit them, especially when they are going through difficult times in their lives.
Lourdes is preparing for the 2025 Jubilee following Pope Francis' lead
“We come to a Shrine, first and foremost, to pray.”
When pilgrims arrive in Lourdes, they look for the Grotto, the place where Bernadette and the Lady prayed the rosary during their 18 meetings. Lourdes, a special place of prayer, continues to pray the rosary at the Grotto in several languages every day, which is followed by pilgrims from all over the world via TV Lourdes. The rosary helps us to pray by meditating on the mysteries of the life of Jesus and the Virgin Mary.
“We also go to Shrines to be consoled.”
At Lourdes, the Sanctuary offers the sacrament of reconciliation for forgiveness and be consolation. Compassionate and tender closeness. This is God’s style: compassionate and tender closeness. This is how the Lord is. To console is to make God’s mercy tangible; that is why the service of consolation cannot be missing from our Shrines
The Lourdes Sanctuary’s response to these words of Pope Francis is embodied in the Chapel of Reconciliation, but also in the Way of Compassion, which offers practical help and support through listening and prayer to families faced with the loss of a child.

Adoration is a “space to give meaning to everything.”
Pope Francis believes that pilgrims should be encouraged to experience contemplative and adoring silence, which helps them to focus on the essentials of faith.
Bernadette needed to receive the Body of Christ, the same Body that can be adored in the adoration chapel or after the Eucharistic procession.
Pilgrims arriving in Lourdes can also take part in the Mass, which is celebrated at all hours and in many languages in the various churches, basilicas and chapels of the Sanctuary.