Welcome to the Sanctuaire of Lourdes

Experience a pilgrimage like in Lourdes

Since 2017, the relics of Saint Bernadette have been travelling the world so as to bring them closer to those who cannot come on pilgrimage to Lourdes. They have visited Germany, Italy and Spain, as well as several cities in France, including Toulouse, Nanterre, Paris, Versailles, Blois, Cambrai, Strasbourg, Troyes, Valence, Saint-Étienne, Lisieux, Angers, Chartres and Tours. Their tour also extended to the United States, the United Kingdom, and Brazil.

Celebration in the “do Goiânia Arena” stadium in Brazil

The relics will once again be on pilgrimage to a number of different countries and dioceses:
– In Germany, from 20th June until the end of July
– In Italy, from 20th July to 19th August
– In Ireland, from 1st September to 31st October

What is a relic?

A relic is an object or part of the physical remains of a saint after their death, or an object that has been in contact with their body. The relics used here are therefore authentic remains or objects that came into contact with the body of Saint Bernadette. The veneration of relics is an integral part of the Catholic faith, with both biblical and historical foundations.
Bernadette’s reliquary expresses the message of Lourdes for the physically and spiritually sick. Veneration of the relics of Saint Bernadette is a way of giving thanks for her life. Although we are not contemporaries of Bernadette, her soul being in Heaven, the grace she received during her life remains available to us. Our friendship with the saints in general encourages us to look forward to the moment when we can join them in Heaven and embrace them in the unity of the Body of Christ.

Bernadette Soubirous

Bernadette Soubirous was born in Lourdes in 1844 and, from the age of 14, in 1858, witnessed the apparitions of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, at the grotto of Massabielle.
She later became a nun before being canonised in 1933 by Pope Pius XI, 54 years after her death in 1879.

Just like in Lourdes, the mission of Our Lady and hosting of the relics

At Lourdes, the organisation of a mission of Our Lady and hosting of the relics are subject to certain conditions. To receive a relic of Saint Bernadette, a Mission of Our Lady of Lourdes must be organised at the request of the local bishop. This mission can be carried out with or without the presence of the reliquary, and with or without the presence of a “chapelain” from Lourdes, although his participation can give the mission a dimension closer to that experienced at Lourdes.

Missions can be organised at various levels: at national level with the support of the Bishops’ Conference, at diocesan, Sanctuary or parish level. The Sanctuary of Lourdes will always give priority to requests aimed at bringing people together, involving all the services and organisations of the Church, and spreading the message of Lourdes to young people, people distanced from the Church, and people with disabilities or illnesses.

A time of prayer and pilgrimage just like in Lourdes

To participate fully in this time of pilgrimage of the relics of Saint Bernadette or in a mission of Our Lady with a “chapelain” from the Sanctuary, it is recommended that you organise a mass with a homily centred on the message of Lourdes, a Marian procession faithful to those experienced in Lourdes, and that you pray the rosary JUST LIKE IN LOURDES!

Reliquary of Saint Bernadette in Lourdes: Saint Michael chapel

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Centre d’information du Sanctuaire :
+33 (0)5 62 42 20 08
Numéro d’urgence :
+33 (0)5 62 42 80 60

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Le service d’accueil des personnes handicapées, animé par la fondation OCH, vous ouvre ses portes.
+33 (0)5 62 42 79 92
9h30 – 12h et 14h -18h

Venir à Lourdes
✈️ L’aéroport international de Tarbes-Lourdes (TLP) est situé à quinze minutes du Sanctuaire. Lourdes est aussi accessible grâce à l’aéroport de Pau (PUF, 45 km de distance) et celui de Toulouse-Blagnac (TLS, 180 km de distance).

🚌 Vous pouvez rejoindre Lourdes en train, au départ des principales villes de France, A votre arrivée à la gare de Lourdes, vous trouverez des bus urbains qui vous permettront de vous rendre au Sanctuaire.

🚗Vous pouvez vous rendre à Lourdes avec votre véhicule, par l’autoroute A64 depuis Toulouse ou l’A65 depuis Bordeaux. Plusieurs zones de parkings vous sont proposées dans la ville.
