Bernadette's itinerary - Theme of the year Lourdes 2022
In 2022, the Sanctuary and the parish of Lourdes propose that you follow the route that Bernadette took to tell Father Peyramale the words of Our Lady. This route will lead pilgrims to (1) , the door of the old presbytery where, Bernadette knocked to meet the priest. Then the pilgrims will go to 2 the parish church, where the baptismal font on which Bernadette became a child of God remains. In the church, an exhibition will be proposed on the figure of Father Peyramale and the priests of the parish at the time of Bernadette. A time of prayer will also be offered. Pilgrims will also be able to gather in the crypt next to the tomb of Father Peyramale
Pray for Priests
Leave the name of a priest and entrust him to Our Lady of Lourdes.
In this year 2022, the Sanctuary proposes that each pilgrim can entrust a priest to the intercession of the Virgin Mary. This will be an opportunity to remember the priests who have accompanied us throughout our lives through the sacraments, preaching and spiritual guidance. The proposal is to write and then deposit the name of the priest in an urn located at the foot of the chapel of Saint Bernadette, on the Esplanade du Rosaire. Each evening, these names are carried in the Marian torchlight procession. Pilgrims can light candles at the foot of the steps of the chapel to keep the prayer alive. This approach can be experienced alone, in the silence of personal prayer, or in small groups during a brief celebration. It can end with a prayer to Our Lady of the Priesthood:
Virgin Mary,
Mother of Christ the Priest,
Mother of priests throughout the world,
you have a special love for priests,
because they are the living images of your only Son.
You have helped Jesus throughout your earthly life,
And you still help him in heaven.
We beg you, pray for the priests,
Pray to the Father in heaven to send
workers to his harvest.
Pray that we may always have priests,
who give us the sacraments,
explain the Gospel of Christ to us,
and teach us to be true children of God.
Virgin Mary, ask God the Father yourself,
For the priests we need so much,
And since your heart has all power over him,
Obtain for us, O Mary,
Priests who are saints. Amen.