To Lourdes or with Lourdes
A few months ago, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes launched two complementary pilgrim apps for those who are coming to Lourdes or those who wish to maintain a link with Lourdes.
A few months ago, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes launched two complementary pilgrim apps for those who are coming to Lourdes or those who wish to maintain a link with Lourdes.
Every day, pilgrims to Lourdes are invited to take part in the processions organised by the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Walk in the footsteps of Bernadette in Lourdes, following a route that takes in the key places where she lived in 1858.
Every day, pilgrims to Lourdes are invited to take part in the processions organised by the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes.
The Easter celebrations in Lourdes began on Palm Sunday, when Jesus entered Jerusalem as King of Peace, and continued through Holy Week: Maundy Thursday (institution of the Eucharist), Good Friday (the Passion) and Holy Saturday with the Easter Vigil leading … Continued
The Virgin appeared to Bernadette eighteen times in 1858. In 1863, the sculptor Joseph Fabisch was chosen to create the statue of the Virgin.
From 30th March to 7th April, the joyful HCPT pilgrimage (Handicapped Children Pilgrimage Trust, an English-speaking association supporting sick or disabled children on pilgrimage), recognisable by its caps and hats decorated with all sorts of accessories, will be spreading its … Continued
In Lourdes, on 25th March 1858, the Lady said her name The feast of the Annunciation is celebrated on 25th March, nine months before 25th December, the date of Christ’s birth. In Lourdes, we also celebrate an event in the … Continued
The Holy Father addressed the second international meeting of rectors and shrine employees on the theme of “The Sanctuary: a house of prayer”, focusing his speech on adoration in shrines, places of consolation and hope for all pilgrims who visit … Continued
The father of Jesus is considered the patron saint of fathers. The Sanctuary invites you to celebrate Saint Joseph in Lourdes. Husband of the Virgin Mary, gentle Saint Joseph, the foster father, the educator, remains a model for all the … Continued